Adrian Tupper Counselling – Coronavirus Statement update 18/3/20

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Below is my position in response to the Coronavirus situation.

I will continue to offer counselling and supervision sessions at both my practices (23 Eyre Place and 61a Mayfield Road). However this is an evolving situation, and please read on.

At 23 Eyre Place, entry requires pressing a buzzer and/or opening a door to the waiting area. While Eyre Place Osteopathic practice endeavours to keep these contact points clean and disinfected, clients might feel safer still if they wear gloves or other such barrier against contamination from these surfaces. (The door handle can normally be opened with an elbow!). There is a bathroom available to wash hands before and after sessions and there is hand sanitiser available too. I will apply disinfectant to the arms of the chairs prior to each session. Nobody other than myself will be expected to touch any communal surfaces (such as door handles) when they are with me. The osteopathic practice remains open too.

At 61a Mayfield Road, I will open the main door as usual so the only shared surface is the doorbell. Clients are advised to avoid directly touching the push button. Bathroom facilities are available and I would invite clients to wash their hands before the session. We have thus far been unable to source any hand sanitiser. I will likely move sessions to a larger room at the premises where chairs are further apart. Again, nobody other than myself will be expected to touch any communal surfaces (such as door handles) when they are with me.
If any client would prefer to suspend their counselling then please let me know (so there is space available for when they recommence). I will suspend the requirement for 48 hours’ notice for anybody self-isolating.

Online counselling

I hope to offer online sessions very soon. Although this is not my preferred modality, we can think of it as different rather than inferior. Indeed I know many counsellors who already offer this or receive it. Please contact me if this is of interest to you if you have not already done so.


Finally, although I have had a runny nose and cold-like symptoms lately, this is normal for me during winter and I am not showing any signs of Covid-19 infection (fever, cough, chest infection). But again, anybody concerned can suspend their counselling until the threat has passed.

Best wishes,
Adrian Tupper

For more information please visit this page at the BACP which contains advice for counsellors and their clients.
Meantime, please contact me as per your usual channels: including


phone/text 07853 749188 to discuss any of these issues further.